5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review (2024)

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is smarter than me. I accept this because it is able to calculate legal chess moves for thirty separate, full chess boards all at once, in as many as four separate spatial and temporal dimensions. I, on the other hand, start losing track about three turns in to a regular game of chess.

The unique selling point of 5D Chess is in its expansion of traditional chess into the realm of time-travel: in addition to manoeuvring pieces across the board in the usual way, you can also move pieces back in time and across parallel universes. An example would best illustrate what I mean.

In chess, the knight piece can move two squares in one direction and then one square in another: two forward and one to the left, for instance. In 5D Chess, knights have that same ability, but now they can move two squares forward and back in time one board, or two boards back in time and one square in any direction, and so on. The key to understanding the game’s timelines is to think of spacetime as just another direction that a piece can move in the otherwise usual way.

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review (1)

The game does a good job of illustrating how it all works through its offering of puzzles that you can solve: tests of chess skill that require you to mate your opponent in as few as one or two turns by utilising 5D Chess’ unique mechanics.

With that being said, none of this advice is going to save you as a beginner going into this game. You can scan through the tutorial instructions, and listen to every YouTuber under the sun tell you that it’s all about turning your way of thinking around, but the simple truth is that 5D Chess is hard to wrap your head about. When you go back in time, and often when you move between dimensions, you create a new, separate timeline to accommodate your actions, and those new timelines add up. Fast.

It’s common to be making moves on ten separate chess boards at once, which means that often you’ll be spending more time desperately trying not to let your king from eight turns ago get checkmated rather than coming up with a grand strategy to defeat your opponent by weaponising their turn history against them, at least at an entry-level. (Did I mention you can check the king across time? It’s very important to pay attention to how your king moves, because your pieces’ histories are immutable: if you’re mated in the past, it’s game over. As weird as that sounds.)

I don’t want all of this talk to put you off the game. Something about it is strangely compelling: even if you don’t have a clue what you’re doing or what’s going on, you feel like an absolute galaxy brain genius moving chess pieces around on so many boards at once, jumping back and forth through time and space so often the BBC might end up writing a 38-season TV show about you.

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review (2)

It’s a very clever game, too – even when you lose because a king of yours got placed in inescapable check what feels like eternities ago, it never feels unfair; you always have some understanding of what series of events led you to your defeat.

This doesn’t mean the game is perfect – I found a few times that the game, when you start playing at higher numbers of boards, experiences long delays as it calculates potential legal moves that you can make. I’m still impressed that it’s able to do so at any speed at all, but it does rather significantly impact the flow of proceedings.

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review (3)

My real gripe with the game is its “undo move” function. As games expand, you’ll find you have to make a lot of moves in one turn, and often, especially when playing against other people, I’ve found that I’ve made six or so moves before realising that one of my first ones placed me in check. You can’t simply “undo” that first move – you have to undo every move in order of play before you can reset the one you were actually interested in reverting, by which point, frankly, I’ve forgotten what moves I was even planning to make, anyway.

These technical flaws don’t prevent me from recommending the game at its current price point of £9.29 on Steam, though it may take a bit of patience with its limitations and a good few tries to work out 5D Chess’ system. If you fancy yourself a strategic mind, and regular chess just isn’t hitting the spot like it used to, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel might be the right move.

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Review (2024)


Can you play 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel? ›

The general gameplay of 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel starts off similarly to a standard game of chess. As the game progresses, the game becomes increasingly complex through a series of alternate timelines that the player can take advantage of.

How long does a game of 5D chess last? ›

1½ Hours
Main Story61h 8m
All PlayStyles61h 8m

Who is the best 5D chess player in the world? ›

The match ended with the score of 4-2 in Dreamer's favour (2-0 in Reversed Royalty, 0-2 in Turn Zero, 2-0 in Half Reflected), making Dreamer the first 5D chess world champion. The "5D Chess World Championship 2022" has started in January 2023, and is currently ongoing.

What is an inactive timeline in 5D chess? ›

Inactive Timeline

A timeline is inactive if it does not affect the advancement of the present. If one player has created more than one more timeline than their opponent, the excess timelines are inactive until the opponent makes more timelines.

Is en passant illegal? ›

En passant (French for "in passing") is a special chess rule allowing pawns to capture a pawn that has just passed it. This is not a bug or a hack but a legal chess move that has been part of the game for over 400 years and an official chess rule since 1880.

Can you castle in 5D chess? ›

The king is the only piece that can castle. It can, if it hadn't moved yet, move two squares towards an unmoved rook. The rook then jumps to the square that the king traversed. Castling is impossible if the king is (physically) in check or if the square that is traversed is (physically) in check.

What is the 50 move rule in chess? ›

The 50-move rule states that a player can claim a draw in chess if no one moves a pawn or captures a piece for 50 consecutive moves. In this case, a move consists of each player moving a piece once. It's impossible for either player to make progress in this position.

What rank IQ is chess? ›

A person with average IQ is expected to reach a maximum rating of about 2000 in chess. Strong grandmasters with a rating of around and over 2600 are expected to have an IQ of 160 plus. The strongest grandmasters of the day with their ratings hovering around 2800 are expected to have IQs around 180.

Who has the most IQ in chess? ›

Which chess player has the highest IQ? If you guessed Magnus Carlsen as the chess player with the highest IQ score, then you are correct. This brilliant chess player reportedly has an IQ score of 190. This is well above the ordinary score and is considered genius level.

How many times did Magnus Carlsen lose? ›

Any chess player, however great, will lose quite a number of games, & particularly someone like Carlsen, whose earliest available games were played when he was just 9 years old. To date (28th January 2023) he's played 1901 classical games, winning 771, losing 278 & drawing 851. So 278 lost games.

How do bishops move in 5D chess? ›

Bishops can move the same number of squares along two axes at the same time. Their paths are what we call diagonals; 5D chess differs from 2D chess in that the diagonals are not restricted to just the rank/file axes. They could be across the rank/time axes, time/timeline axes and so on.

What happens if you run out of time in timed chess? ›

Each player is assigned a fixed amount of time for the whole game. If a player's main time expires, they generally lose the game.

What happens after 40 moves in chess? ›

After 40 moves, each player gets an extra hour. The extra-hour time control is a sudden death control.

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